Aiming at conneccting every Ugandan Scholar to a job under the field of his or her acquired Education.The Platform is committed to helping reduce the high unemployment rate in Uganda by providing suitable job opportunities to unemployed Ugandan Scholars. This is done by partnering with reputable organizations and agencies here in Uganda and internationally to ensure that the listed candidates acquire jobs and opportunities in their fields.
Also, Candidates can list their automatically generated CVs and Resumes on to employers. All possible questions asked for different professions are posted to help Ugandan Scholars prepare for interviews clients with the utmost integrity, honestly and compliance processes and procedures thus achieving their dream.
The Scholar Jobline is maintained and run by The Ugandan Scholar a Project aimed at making every Ugandan Scholar able to make it through education in his or her respective field.
Search Jobs
- 123 Jobs Added
- 241 Active Resumes
- 42 Positions Matched
A better career is out there. We'll help you find it. We're your first step to becoming everything you want to be.
Cross Browsers
The plartform can fetch jobs the included browsers for all registered candidates and employers.
Virtual Office
Organize Your meetings, Shortlists appointments with employers and candidates from the provided Dashboard.
Modern Resumes
The platform will automatically generated for you a proffessional modern CV and also Display it on your profile.
24/7 Access
Have You Noticed how easy it is for any employer to trace you and download your CV/ Resume and also view all your previous works. Imagine waking up to a Job You didn't apply for.
Quick Support
A team of over 4000 people is there to help. Yes 4000, since you can communicate with anyone in your own career field through his or her profile. Amazing right?
Independent Management
You are your own manager. Yes, you can decide on what to earn, the working conditions and where to work. This is because You will run your own profile.
The following Volunteered to work with The Ugandan Scholar to help every Ugandan Scholar gets employed in his or her own field of Education.