We value people. All people are made in God’s image and we therefore place people at the centre of our work. We treat people with
respect and dignity, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion or age. We seek to enable people to live normal and peaceful lives, develop their potential, and to provide hope for the future.
We are faithful. We want to bring lasting change and are committed to stay when the initial crisis is over. Even when circumstances are challenging we seek to reach out to the most vulnerable.
We are good stewards. We utilise the resources entrusted to us in the best possible and most responsible way. We are efficient, effective, transparent, and accountable to those we support and those who support us.
We serve with integrity. We expect from each other the highest standards of personal and organisational integrity. We are open and honest in the way we deal and communicate with our stakeholders. We treat people with respect and speak the truth in love to one another.